With tapered ears and flowing hair, this mysterious maiden was said to float above the water and direct the wind with a flick of her staff. Some swore they had seen the bird transform into a woman. As word of these benevolent omens spread, sightings of the bird grew more common. Others could swear they’d hear a whistling in the air right before a storm, as if to warn them of its approach. Seafarers would sometimes spot a bright blue bird just before a healthy tailwind billowed their sails. Many believe the spirit Janna was born out of these prayers. It’s not surprising, then, that most implore the wind itself for steadfast breezes, calm seas, and clear skies. Others make sure to throw the first fish they catch back into the water as a show of mercy. Some captains insist on pouring salt onto the deck so the sea doesn’t notice they’re from the shore. Many of Runeterra’s sailors have strange and unusual superstitions, which is no wonder as they often live or die by the tempestuous whims of the weather.
No one knows where or when she will appear, but more often than not, she’s come to help. Her favor and protection has since been called into the depths of Zaun, where Janna has become a beacon of hope to those in need. Some believe she was brought into existence by the pleas of Runeterra’s sailors who prayed for fair winds as they navigated treacherous waters and braved rough tempests. ( you should always look for the cost efficiency because of support low income it's really troll to buy zhonya or rabadon because you could have gotten 1.Armed with the power of Runeterra’s gales, Janna is a mysterious, elemental wind spirit who protects the dispossessed of Zaun.
I usually go Moonstone Renewer unless i'm stomping my lane very hard which sometimes I'll go shurelya to be able to catch/escape enemy but when you not sure what to buy, you should always buy Moonstone Renewer after I'll get Chemtech Putrifier as my second item which is great value even if enemy has no healing champs because nowdays everything heals and after that you can go whatever you feel like but my build is usually Mejai's Soulstealer and Watchful Wardstone because I try to funnel as much gold as I can to my teammates so they are able to carry even harder and those 2 items cost only 2350G which is great value because it also count as full item which gives u additional Moonstone Renewer passive. It depends how much gold you have on your first back if you have around 575G You can get Boots Control Ward Refillable Potion and buy dark seal later on. My first back would usually be Boots Dark Seal Control Ward Refillable Potion. If you are not leashing you can ward in the middle of the bottom bush and recall to get oracle and setup wave for your jungler to gank! I always start with Spellthief's Edge, 2x Health Potion and Stealth Ward.
She got better in Durability patch because of her E passive didn't get Heal/Shield reduction compare to other enchanters so right now she is one of the best Enchanters in the game! Why Janna ? She is good at dis-engage, moving around the map, good at punishning mistakes from enemy, peeling and you can catch enemy suprisingly with her Howling Gale and also fun to play! her weakness would be low damage and laning phase, Janna learning curve is high at the start but after it get very easily when u learn match-ups, positions, when to roam and punishing enemy mistakes. My Accounts I change my summoner name alot so this is a good way to keep tracking it without me changing anything :)Īlso there should be lot's of grammar mistakes my apology it's not my native language you can comment and i'll try to fix it! Hello I'm Touka, Ive been playing League of Legends for 10 years since season 3, I mainly play Support especially Janna on EUW and right now my rank is around 1100lp while writing this guide.